Saturday, January 3, 2009

 A new year, a new beginning. Shannon and I have a mentor who always says about acting that "every breathe is a new beginning" on stage you can lose yourself in a mistake or allow your mind to wander and you simply have to breathe and begin again to get it back together. I love this saying and find it useful over and over again in my life, on and off the stage! With a new year is a new breathe! I have three simple resolutions this year...

1. Walk in peace. 
I can allow myself to get swallowed in stress and anxiety. Money woes and work problems. Relationship issues and fights with my little bird... this year I am asking myself to remember to breathe and smile in moments of worry. I am reminding myself to find joy in the chaos, because the chaos is part of what makes living so much fun!

2. Move forward with dignity and self respect.
I often find myself at the mercy of my desires. Whether that means buying new cloths, eating junk food, or nurturing a disfunctional relationship. This year I am going to stop and ask myself before I act -with this choice am I respecting myself, my heart, my body, my mind? 

3. floss.
Its silly I know, and its SO IMPORTANT! But I am sooo lazy, especially when I brush at night... I always make Renna floss... now I must MAKE MYSELF! In all fairness I floss in the morning, but I know I need to floss every night too... :) 

May each of you travel in peace, dignity, and peppermint flavored waxed string in 2009 as well!

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