Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Baby's Daddy

Coming to terms with the man. We all have to. I've recently made my final decision on Z's last name. I'd been battling with changing it to mine, keeping his father's...? Keeping his namesake attachment to his father. Something so important in Arabic culture (Z is half Palestinian). While filling out our paperwork for the mommy and me Waldorf program we're doing (LOVE it! btw); I found myself hyphenating his name and loving it. Riley-Mustafa. It honors me his hard working single mama, but also keeps his few attachments to his Palestinian heritage. Also looks better on the passport for security checks as he gets older!
Now hopefully his father will agree and make the change easy!...

3 days till beach vacation. I have not been on a real vacation since I was 6 months pregnant. I am so ready. Well not really I've got a ton to do so wish me luck on that.

Oh, dancing this weekend was great. The forces of nature, a la Hurricane Ike, brought my mom, brother, and sister in town. I hope to keep dancing once a month as my feet love the floor.

I may try and write from the beach, although it's my goal to be sans internet...we'll see how I do!

Peace mamas.

1 comment:

JLar said...

dancing WAS great fun!! and so important to have the balance of adult mommy time! :) once a month? Its a PLAN!