Monday, August 24, 2009

I don't wanna be nice!

Oh man. Its really hard to be nice sometimes... Especially when dealing with the Ex. My Little Bird returned home after being away for two months. I have had two communications with her dad since she has been back and BOTH times he was rude. UG! You would think two months of not speaking to each other would help him calm down but no... another reminder that he is and always will be an angry person. I was proud of myself though because both times he tried to start a fight I said "you are trying to fight and I will not go there" and then I redirected the conversation to the schedule etc etc and that was that.. but man oh man, we have been separated for five years now and we still have so much tension between us. I have friends who are more recently separated and I wish I could tell them it gets easier but it doesn't, the problems just change, but there are still problems.

Deep breathe. Grant me patience. Deep breathe. Help me learn from my past mistakes with this man, help me avoid the sore spots. Deep breathe. Help me forgive and release my anger. I need to let my anger go... but thats hard to do... especially when you really really don't want to be nice!

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