Saturday, October 3, 2009

This Town, Goodbye Town

We went to Mexico. Ahhh. I sat on the beach alot. Drank mojitos alot. And realized that it was time to make the long talked about move to Florida. Austin's just not my place anymore. It served itself beautifully the first few years of Z's life. I'm off to be closer to family and Inshallah go to grad school...hurray!

It's true when you don't feel at home somewhere... Plus I have insane allergies here. I still hope to eventually end up on a houseboat in Kashmir teaching to the local village children, or somewhere far off breathing in the air. After grad school. Hurrah! Inshallah.

So I have 11 days till I drive off into the sunset waving goodbye to a good 3 year stint in Austin. I can't wait for the beach. The sunsets. The water on my feet. The sand. The seagulls and pelicans. The cute surfer dudes too. Palm trees. Family.

1 comment:

Earth Mama Sarah said...

oh yeah you can't forget the cute surfer dudes! We will miss you!